Monday, May 30, 2011

Joel Osteen

As I posted last time, we have found a place to live and are in the middle of packing and moving. It has been one of the craziest weeks I've had in a while. When I got back from Kate's baby shower Pete and I jumped in the car and headed down to Charleston for a couple days to celebrate His bday. It was a great trip.  When we got back, we saw all the work we had to do and dove head first. We've both worked everyday this week (thur-mon is our week) and have packed what we could in our spare time. Then we've been carrying everything out to the garage so it's easy to load the trailer when we pick it up Tues morning.
Anyway, I got home from work last night and was starting to pack a few boxes when Michelle from dispatch called and said Pete would be home late (the night before he had been out till 3am so that's what I was expecting) So I packed for about 1.5 hours and then called it quits. I thought I might be able to wait up for Pete though, so I sat down and turned on the tv to watch whatever was on HDTV (my new fav channel). Well it was Holmes Inspection which is my least favorite show plus I was exhausted so I started searching for something a bit more entertaining and gripping.
When I got to ABC family I saw Joel Osteen was on and since I'd never watched him or read his books (I've only ever heard things about him) I thought I'd see what he was speaking about. I had only watched about 5 min before I was in tears. I truly cannot believe what this man is doing to the gospel. It broke my heart to see him standing before thousands of people and leading them astray. He was talking about building your inner circle, telling people to only surround themselves with others who will lift them up and make them a better person and help them pursue their dreams. To cast off those who are lazy, negative and bad influences and love them from a distance because that's what Jesus did. If this were truly the case then we would all be condemned to hell because Jesus would never have saved us. He would never have surrounded himself with the disciples. I sat on my couch at 12:45 and wept because I heard the devil preaching the gospel in his own way.
This has been on my mind a lot today so I thought I'd write about it. I've been praying about it too, but I am unsure what to say. Since I don't know a lot about Joel Osteen I'm not sure if he truly believes what he is preaching, and if that's the case I pray that the truth will be revealed to him. Or if he just likes the fame and knows that what he is doing is wrong. If that's the case I can only pray that God's will be done and that I might see him through God's eyes and not just my own.


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