Monday, May 2, 2011

The Decision

We've never really considered ourselves the blogging kind. I've always enjoyed reading other blogs, but I never imagined we'd be making one of our own. When Pete and I first talked about creating one, we kinda laughed and ended the conversation with, "who would ever want to read a blog about our life?" This is still a pending question, but we decided that even if no one reads our posts, we just want to blog for ourselves. Years from now, if the Internet hasn't been replaced by then, we thought it would be nice to have some sort of documentation of these early years. Before we grow up too much and kids start popping into the picture. We want some tangible evidence that we were young once. So we can have something to go back and read and laugh at and say, "did we really do that? Really? What were we thinking?"  I will still do my occasional journal entry because I love the idea of our grand kids being able to read hand written entries about their grandparents' lives, but this will be something new and fun. I just hope we can stay committed. I hear age does nothing to aid the memory, so we're deciding to entrust yet another thing to technology, the record of our early years. The memories we gather from here on out. Please guard them well!

- Megan

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