Monday, July 8, 2013

No Problem

Boy, I never knew our life could be so . . . eventful! A few hours after I posted on the 4th a big ole tree uprooted in our front yard. I thought it was fireworks and Pete thought it was a tree and it was totally a massive tree. Not only one tree. It fell it hit another tree. Our driveway and the road that curves right infront of our house was blocked by a sea of limbs. This was about 10:30pm mind you. We went outside to check it out and saw all the blockage and got really excited. We didn't even notice that the road was blocked until we saw headlights stopped through the limbs. I went back inside and called the buncombe county sheriff's office, who then transfered me to the fire department. Pete stayed outside to signal cars who were coming from the opposite direction. The fire department worked until early in the morning clearing the road. They did a great job with a chainsaw and their arm guns. It was a big A** tree! I bet they slept well when they went to bed.

The next day our landlord called a tree service and they were able to clean up a bit more, though still not all of the debris (because their equipment is not big enough to handle this tree). This is a picture.
You might notice here on the left side of the picture that there is another tree leaning to the left. Yes. This tree and the one that fell were attached. So naturally it is unstable and it needs to be taken down because it could fall at any moment. At this point we've already reserved a uhaul truck to move all our big furniture on Tuesday morning, AND our rental insurance has lapsed because I forgot to pay it a month and a half ago. No problem. 

I'm going to take a second to add that we've received a butt load of rain at this point. That's why we're having this problem in the first place. There is flooding all over the county, roads closing and washing away. Ya, it's been a pretty awesome weekend at this point. Happy B-day 'Merica! Too many cloudy rainy days makes me depressed . . . so I'm depressed right now.

Now with the unstable tree hanging over the house our landlord suggests (on Sat night) that we might want to stay in a hotel until it can be removed (we're in the middle of packing up our house, moving everything to storage and now we need to find a cheap close by hotel. No problem). We find a hotel and I move all our stuff on Sunday after work. 
Prime chillin on the king hotel bed.
These events lead us up to today, Monday. 

Pete is off and I am working until 5pm. He is in charge of renewing our rental insurance, trying to get all of his work gear in order for FLETC and staging some of our furniture so it's easy to move Tues morning. The day starts off with him arriving home and Prime throwing up on the carpet (one of the two we have in our house full of tile and laminent).  We're pretty sure he's just upset with all the moving and packing and now the hotel room stay that he throws up. Nasty.

A few hours later, he informs me that some of his travel paperwork is messed up. No Problem. 

*the insurance does get renewed* - this is one of the two positive things that happen today

On my lunch break I decided to check my email and our landlord had informed us that the tree will be taken down Tuesday morning, but unfortunately we can't be anywhere near the house when they are cutting it down in case something goes wrong. (remember the uhaul truck) Also, his insurance won't cover the cost of our hotel stay. No Problem. 

*he does say he'll compensate by not charging us for the month of July* - this is the second positive thing that happens today.

Pete has to get the truck pickup time pushed back which luckily he does so without them charging us an arm and a leg. We just have to hope they fall the tree before noon . . . we'll see.

After I got off work we went to the storage unit and double checked some stuff. That was cool.  

By this time it's 7:00pm. We're tired, stressed, hungry and we have Prime because we very well can't leave him at home for the tree to fall on him, and we're not allowed to leave him unattended in the hotel room. It's a very mild evening . . . say mid-seventies. So we drove around for a while throwing around ideas for dinner and ended up deciding on Wild Wing Cafe. We rolled down the windows and headed inside for a quick dinner. It was our first time and we're happy to report that everything was great!
They had baseball games on all of their 12,000 televisions, the wings were great, the ribs were superb, my shrimp was delectable and the water was cool and refreshing. We walked out feeling a bit better about life. This was short lived...

We walked out to the parking lot only to see that SOMEONE HAD CALLED ANIMAL CONTROL ON US!!!!!!!! Their outside patio seating overlooks the parking lot. A small crowd had formed outside the front door and everyone was watching. Talk about AwKwArD!!! For those of you who know us, our dog in not mistreated. We spoil him rotten. He is our baby. I started freaking out thinking the guy was going to take Prime away and we'd never see him again. Plus I hated everyone watching. I do not like to be the center of attention! I could never be famous, though I've had many offers.

Anyway, the animal control guy was super nice. He talked to us a bit. He mentioned that there are some people that just sit and wait for someone to leave their dog in a car and immediately call animal control. As a result they respond to between 4-6 calls like ours a day. Seriously? Who has nothing better to do than tattle on people? I do not want their life. He said everything was fine and dandy and left without giving us a ticket or a warning. Animal cruelty? yep. Probably. 

So naturally we stopped for ice cream on the way home so we could eat our feelings. They gave us a small cup for Prime which he downed in 2 seconds (someone call animal control). 

I really hope you didn't read this whole post cuz it's scooper long. In fact, so long that I have no energy to go back and proofread. Sorry for the typos and improper grammer. This was mostly just for my benefit. I want to be able to reread this one day and remember how awesome this 4th of July weekend was. 

Over and outta here.

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