Thursday, July 4, 2013


I've not been on this blog in quite sometime! Not really sure what spurred me to return...oh wait yes I do. I got on my computer to check our CC balance (never fun) I quickly left that page so naturally I went to fb. After I checked a few things out on the ole news feed, I started lookin through all my bookmarks and that's when I saw the "Our Blog" one. I clicked on it and was like "yuk!" So I changed a few things.

It feels great! I never really loved our old title (Sometimes Runners, Always Walkers), but Pete thought of it and wanted to do something "clever" with our last name. We used it for a while, but I just don't think it suits us. He did take an interest and helped out so I am super grateful for that, definitely won't complain. I've been reading a lot more blogs lately and I really like how everyone's title reflects what they write about. So I was trying really hard to figure out something clever, but then I thought "what will I be writing about?" I can't commit to a recipe blog, or sewing because let's face it...I'm just not that diligent. "I know! I'll write about our life. Like last time. It'll be soo great and everyone will love it!" So "Walker Stuff" was born. I'm hoping that if I can get into the habit of blogging then I'll figure out something great to actually blog about. Till then...

I'll be doing my best to blog about . . . stuff. Right now we're in a scooper great place in our life where Pete's getting ready to move to Georgia for training for his work and I'm getting ready to move back to MO with my fam and our pup. Yep, we're splitting ways and it's gonna be awesome! No seeing each other every day, kissing each other good morning and good night (Yuck!). No snuggling or laughing at each other's silly voices we like to make. It's finally over for 7 whole months! Won't you miss it you ask? No Sirreee! We both knew that marriage would be tough, and it has been, but we also knew that Pete would for sure be going away to do this FLETC thing so we've just been waiting and anticipating the time apart. Longest 3.5 years EVER!!!

Sarcasm? yeper doodles. I'll miss him a little bit.

Fun fact about me . . . I am very easily distracted. I arrived home around 3:30pm this July 4th and commenced packing up some more of our belongings (we're putting everything we own into a 10x15 storage unit). I've also changed the sheets on our bed, vacuumed, opened a hard cider to quench my thirst (cuz who needs water really?), played with Optimus Prime, searched high and low and finally found the extension to my Mac power cord! Started some laundry, changed our address with the USPS, and now am re-vamping this blog. These are all things that did need to get done, but who the heck jumps from one thing to the other like that with no rhyme or reason? Moi! This is one of the things about me that drives Pete crazy (when he's here to witness them).

Anywho. I should probably get back to all the other stuff that I was doing. Plus, I might want to think about dinner...maybe. It was great posting again! I look forward to tickling the keyboard again soon.

over and out

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