Sunday, August 18, 2013

Babysitting/Journey/Family/Books/More Family

I started my babysitting job last Thursday (15th). It's been pretty good so far. I drive my car to the family's house. There I park my car and take theirs to the school to pick up the girls. I have to be there by 2:45ish so I'm not too far back in the car line. The girls climb in and chatter all the way home about their day. We have a snack, chat some more and then do something fun, like crafting or play a game. This week they'll probably have homework so we might not have as much time to do fun things :(

The most amazingist concert happened on Friday (16th) and I was able to be a part of it all. Journey came to Lampe, MO. It all began (for me) at 8:10 when the stage lit up and "Worlds Apart" was performed, which was then followed by "Anyway You Want It," "Don't Stop Believing," "Wheel in the Sky" and "Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'" and other great hits. I sat with Grace and mom and dad sat a few rows in front of us. We sang and danced and laughed and it was great. Dad and Grace had arrived earlier in the day so they saw the cover band play and Starship. Mom and I, however, missed all that because I was unable to leave until 6pm and mom was sweet enough to wait for me. We got caught in crazy traffic on the way there. We sat in traffic for an HOUR waiting to park. It was insane!!! And then on the way out, we arrived back at the parking lot at 10:45 and did not arrive at our lake house until 1:00am. That is 3 hours and 15 minutes of traffic I endured to hear Journey. I do not regret a moment of it though because it was JOURNEY. I would have endured 3 hours and 30 minutes just to see them.

Kate and her little minions will be arriving on Thursday of this week and I am so excited to see them. I am still assembling Lucy's birthday present . . . hopefully I will finish in time. I'm making her a little To-Go beauty kit with fake make up and play hair accessories. I've cleaned out some of my old make up holders and painted them with fingernail polish so it looks real (to a two year old, that is). Hoping she likes it. Max is getting so chunky! I love it. He was so skinny when he was born, and I was like "umm, no sir, you need to be fatter. Your sister was a chuck and she was cute so put on some weight please." He's been pounding the breast milk (all for my benefit I'm sure) and he's HUGE!!! I can't wait to squeeze all of his chunkiness!

Grace went back to college yesterday and I'm sad that she'll be away. I know she'll be back for the next couple of weekends, but it's definitely going to be weird without her here. I've never lived with my parents without a sibling before. I'm the middle child. That's the one thing middle children have going for them. No, I'm just joking. It' s just going to be different.

I've been reading a lot more lately and it's been wonderful. I read Diane Keaton's memoir and really liked it a lot. It was definitely surprising, but in a good way. I guess I didn't realize how much I didn't know about her and her career. The one thing she's been known for in my life is Father of the Bride and she does not even mention that in her book. Kind of ironic huh? She wrote a lot about her mother. She said that her mom was one of the main things that inspired her to write a book. Her mother believed that everyone ought to write a memoir. I'm not sure if I agree. I'm going back and forth. What if I were to write a memoir? I have no idea what I would say. Which childhood stories would I pick? And I don't know about everyone else, but my memories are really foggy. Sometimes it seems like whenever I read someone's memoir they are able to clearly write out a lot of their childhood memories and analyze why they are significant. ??? Seriously? I maybe have 5 really CLEAR memories that could be turned into paragraphs. Other than that I have a few sentences, at best. And who would read it? Hopefully I have a few people in my life who would be interested, but in the big picture, what's the point? Would it be considered cocky to even write one in the first place, thinking that my life could actually interest or entertain anyone? (I guess it's a bit presumptuous to be writing this blog too, who says that what I have to say is worthy of being read?) That's just me though. I can think of dozens of people I would like to read about. So maybe her mom was half right. There is something to be said of having your story written down, though. Almost like your life has the opportunity to live on after you. Writing something down is very magical. Everyone should share their magic if they want to I suppose. Whew, let's swim out of the deep end. I'm getting a little winded.

I just finished Girls In White Dresses by Jennifer Close and it was great! I've never read anything by her before, but I'd read another one, that's for sure. It has a few different points of view.  Some are re-visited and some aren't. All the stories intertwine and all the girls are friends. Some get married early and some don't get married at all. They're all on different paths and end up with completely different lives than they ever expected to have. They drink, cry, laugh, cuss, sleep with different guys, search for jobs, quit jobs, start new jobs, struggle with their weight and self-confidence, and say things that everyone else thinks but won't say. The characters are extremely easy to relate to, even if you've never lived in NY, or had multiple boyfriends or done half of the things in the book. For some reason I could relate. That was refreshing. It was a fun and quick read.

Next, I plan on reading Women Who Run With the Wolves. I'll let you know how it goes.

Pete played in a golf tournament this weekend (sat) and had a good time. It was a scramble and his team scored 2 over par. He said it was an average score. He then went bowling on Saturday evening and got in so late he didn't even call me to say goodnight :(  I'm still recovering ;)  He did his laundry this morning (I think he has un-officially declared Sunday his laundry day). His room is hot, he says. I think he's going to buy a fan sometime this week.

Prime is still loving MO way better than NC. We are trying this new brushing technique someone told my dad about. We are brushing him every day for a solid week. Then we'll brush him every other day the next week. Then, apparently, he won't shed as much and we'll just be able to brush him once a week. . . sounds crazy, but I'm playing along.


Don't really have time/desire to proof tonight. Sorry for the mistakes! I'm only human.

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