Friday, August 12, 2011

Megan's first retail job . . . and more :)

     Well, I have officially become a proud employee of Old Navy. I completed my 9 hour day of training and they threw me out on the floor to see what I learned. Not to toot my own horn, but I am catching on rather quickly! I am now able to work in the fitting room, on the register and on the floor doing "RAD," which basically means making sure everything is sized and folded all nice on the tables and everything that is hanging is hung correctly. I can also run "go backs" pretty well too, which is taking all the clothes that people have tried on in the fitting room back out onto the floor and putting them in their respective places. It's nothing spectacular, but it is a job and I'm thrilled to be earning money and contributing to our family. It has also been great for Pete too because now he doesn't have as much pressure. It's been a pretty good week. I've settled in and am really looking forward to getting better and better at my new job!
      Prime got fixed in July and recovered swimmingly from his surgery. We were so glad nothing went wrong. We had hoped, however, that after the surgery he might calm down a little. Ya know, not be as crazy ALL the time. That, of course, did not happen. About 3 hours after we got home from the vet he was acting like nothing even happened. Oh well, I guess it will be a while yet until our very young puppy starts acting a little more mature. That's ok though. I'm sure if he had settled down I would be wishing he were more puppy-ish :)
     Pete and I have officially joined our local YMCA!!! We LOVE it and love going to work out. We're still working on our schedules, and figuring out when we can go, but for the most part we're pretty regular. Today we did a fun little workout that is going to leave us both pretty sore in the legs!
We're looking forward to becoming loyal members!

~ Megan

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