Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's been a while since . . .

Time has really gotten away from me. It truly has been a whirlwind. I hardly remember anything that happened in October except that Pete and I were both so busy at work. Him with the rut and me being at Biltmore and October means preparing for Christmas. Once November hit it was full on Christmas until Jan 1. The longest Christmas season EVER! And it wasn't all pine and poinsettias either. It seemed the closer to Christmas it got, the more rude and crazy everyone became. I know this isn't a new thing. I definitely have noticed it before, but never in this magnitude. Anyway, I do not care to re-live the Biltmore Christmas season so, moving on.

We drove home in September because Kate and Will brought Lucy to meet the family. That was the first time we met her. I held her as much as I possibly could. She slept on me a lot. We saw some other family - both sides - it was great to see everyone, but it was just a crazy trip. When we got home we were exhausted and completely drained. We have come to the decision that the next time we go home we are going to plan a LOT better!

 I went to two different Halloween parities in October. I dressed up as a rag doll at one and a hobo at the other. They were both really fun. Great eats and fun company. My 24th birthday was one to remember, but I can't quite recall the details.
Pete's parents came to visit in November right after Thanksgiving in order to celebrate Thanksmas. It was so great to see some family around the holidays because we didn't see anymore until January. We went grocery shopping and cooked up our own feast for four and had such a good time! We actually completed all of our Christmas shopping before December so we could send all the Walker gifts back with them. I was pretty proud of us . . . although I do remember not wrapping everything until the hour we decided to exchange gifts :) Oh how we love to procrastinate.

December was a blurr.

As soon as January hit everything really slowed down for me, which made it slow down for both of us. My family came to visit us toward the end of the month. Will, Kate & Lucy flew in. They stayed for almost a whole week. My parents and Grace drove and they only got to stay for the weekend, but it was great to have everyone together even if it was for just a couple days. We celebrated Christmas while they were here. Of course that means everyone watched us open presents :)

It is now February 28th so Prime had his 1 year Birthday and we had our 2nd year anniversary yesterday.  We're planning a little weekend getaway in March (during the week). We'll be heading down to Beaufort, SC and camping for two nights on Hunting Island State Park.  Our campsite has a view of the beach (that's what it looks like on the map anyway, I guess we'll see when we get there). We're excited to use all the new camping gear we've acquired this last year, eat seafood, and explore an area we've never been to before! Dogs are allowed, but I think we'll be leaving Prime behind with a friend so we have more freedom and no worries. I will miss him though. There's the quick update. I know I left loads out, but I've said before I don't have the best memory so until I get better at blogging right after an event, it'll have to do!

Until next time (who knows when it'll be!)